Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Issue 2 - The Tails Begin

Tales From Trapper the Cyber Snoop

Issue 2
January 2, 2018

The Tails Begin

As I promised in Issue 1, in this issue I will reveal, why my human, the Author Richard Nurse, (aka. The Boss) and I have been so silent for most of this year. Allow me to set the record straight; while The Boss made the majority of the decisions, I probably made the worst decision of all of us.  Consider that a tease, because I am not going to talk about that today.

The first two decisions The Boss made during the year both produced mixed results. Number one was to take a creative writing class. The course was not what he was looking for, and to make matters even worse he and the instructor, had greatly different styles, and methods.  By the end of the course, The Boss’s creative flame was not burning as bright as it had been when he began the class.  The second decision was to have some outside editing done on two different works. The first was a Beta Read of the fifth book in the Jasper, Street-Fighter, and Me series, Yeah, the one that my dad is one of the stars in. The second was a total editing of an existing story, that he had rewritten, to address some issues.

The Beta read was excellent and very insightful. The only problem being that the reader had not read any of the preceding four books in the series, so that many questions were asked that a reader of the series would have already known.  That was not the case with the editing of the existing story.  The editor was way behind schedule, and was making so many changes, that it seemed at least to The Boss, that it was no longer his story.  Then when the editor requested the balance of the funds be paid, prior to the completion of the work, the relationship dissolved, and I know it left a bad taste in both parties’ mouths.  The creative flame, which was already somewhat dim, began to flicker. While it didn’t go out it did pick a new area to focus on. One that was both mental and physical.

The Boss, with me at his side, left the office on the second floor, and descended down into the basement to his wood shop, which was in a shambles. I hadn’t seen him in other than to check on the sump pump during a storm or if he was looking for one of us cute four legged members of the household. He began to clean the shop, but as I watched, he changed from throwing things away, to making things out of piles of scrap lumber in the shop.  He made me a bed, and then made a sign for the box declaring me the Editor in Chief. Actually, he ended up making two, for TomTom snitched the original one he made for me, since we both spent most of our time with him when he was in the office.

That wasn’t the only things that he made out of the scraps of wood in the basement. Out of nowhere, he created four little wagons, with working wheels and a primitive wagon hitch bar. They were just the right size to hold his books, and he used them to sell his books at shows. It took almost two months for us to clean the basement, because he also finished every unfinished project he came across, and then began the big project; He stripped all of the old tiles off the painted floor, and then scrapper the floor clean, and painted it with both primer and then cement paint. He kept telling me, that everything he was doing was geared toward selling the house somewhere in the future. 

I didn’t know what in the future meant, or how close the future was to becoming now, but The Boss was happy, as was the ‘The Boss’s’ Boss. Therefore, I was happy, just to be a part of the family, and sort of The Boss’s special cat.

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